• Γενικά

  • Labour market specifics, disability legislation in Europe

    Session 3 Labour market specifics, disability legislation in Europe


    This workshop session aims to encourage participants in having a proactive attitude towards the European and national legislation and regulations connected with the employment of people with visual impairments.

    The session focuses on increasing participants’ skills in searching for the financial/fiscal benefits foreseen for young visually impaired people (Tax reliefs for hiring VIPs, incentives for buying assisting technology for VIPs etc.) that are significant in finding job opportunities.

    Furthermore, the session encourages and trains participants to search for additional incentives (aimed at NEETs, long term unemployed people and young people in general). In addition, it focuses on grants for professional training or retraining, regional or local calls and tenders cumulative to the financial incentives aimed only at VIPs.

    The session provides online resources, which will enable participants to leverage the project’s toolkit.

    The topics are divided in two main areas:

    • Online resources on the European legislation, specific regulations and national legislation and policies connected with the job market accessibility for young VIPs.
    • Online resources that can assist participants in interacting with employment centres, associations for visually impaired people, trade associations of employers and workers, training centres, national and local programmes for social inclusion etc. to receive support in identifying financial benefits that can help with successful inclusion of young VIPs to the labour market.

    Aims & Objectives

    Participants will be able to:

    • Get to know and use online resources to look for legislation and regulations that promote the access of VIPs to the job market on different levels;
    • Get to know and use online resources to look for financial benefits that can boost their job search;
    • Establish contacts with employment centres, associations for visually impaired people, trade association of employers and workers, training centres, national and local programmes/projects on social inclusion.

    Units (click on the names to see the content)

    1: How to search for the European legislate on Job Market Accessibility for VIPs

    2: Financial benefits foreseen for VIPs – National levels

    3: Additional incentives for young VIPs (on an EU and the national levels)


    2 hours and 45 minutes

    Learners’ requirements

    Basic knowledge about Internet browsing and the use of screen readers and other assistive software, if required by the user.

    Learning outcomes

    At the end of the session, the attendant shall:


    • Identify suitable websites with contents related to the accessibility of VIPs to the job market and financial benefits for their employment.
    • Identify available financial benefits that are thought for broader target groups, like NEETs, long term unemployed or young people in which VIPs may belong to as well.
    • Identify the authorities or entities that derogate the benefits or perform the assistive services.


    • Identification of policies and financial benefits that can facilitate VIPs’ employment.
    • Acquiring support and assistance from various entities that may facilitate access to financial benefits and other services easing the transition to the labour market.
    • Search for cumulative financial benefits (those specific to VIPs and those eligible to broader target groups).


    • Pro-activity in searching for incentives aimed at young VIPs and other related legislation.
    • Continuous update on legislation and incentives connected with inclusion to work of young VIPs.
    • Understanding the benefits of using resources and information available online for the successful and active job seeking strategy of young VIPs.

    Resources available/ needed

    • Room with enough space for all participants
    • Good quality and reliable Internet connection
    • Projector
    • Coffee tables and Chairs set in a semi-circle
    • Smartphones, tablets, laptops for all participants with assistive software/hardware if required.

    Learning methodologies

    Theoretical introduction followed by practical activities.

    Session assessment

    Examples of Questionnaires for participants:

Soft skills for VIPsAssistive technology and adaption of the workplace